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Great - you're in the market for a new car (whether that car is actually a new car or a used car doesn't matter!) - and you're ready to start searching for your ideal vehicle.

Do you know where to start? In case you're wondering how to figure out what the best car for you is, read this article for some helpful tips in this regard.

First things first: determine how much you willing to spend on a car. Your price range will substantially determine exactly what your options are when it comes to buying a used or new car.
If you're looking for a vehicle that's in the $10,000 to $20,000 range, you'll obviously have plenty of options. You'll be able to visit most reputable car dealerships in your area that will fit the bill. Many car dealerships that sell new vehicles also sell used cars, so finding reliable used cars in this price range will be easy.

If you're looking for a vehicle in the $5,000 to $10,000 range, you'll be able to find a number of independent and quality used car dealerships that will have a variety of used cars to choose from. At this price range, you are probably limiting your search to cars that are in between 5 to 10 years old.

If you have less than $2,000 to spend, you might be limited to dealing with private sellers, such as those you might find on Craigslist. At this price point, you're probably looking for vehicles that are utilitarian and serviceable, not cars that have all the bells and whistles option that you might like.

No matter the price range of cars you're looking at, determine what you're most common reasons for having the car is. Do you simply need a car that will take you from point A to point B, such as short trips to work on a daily basis? Or are you planning on making several state-to-state road trips throughout the year? Do you have a large family and need a roomy vehicle for utility purposes or transport needs? Knowing what your planned usage for your ideal car will help you determine what car models and makes you should be looking at, along with their mileage history and condition. If you just want to get from point A to point B for work, a small and reliable model will work perfectly. If you have a large family, perhaps a minivan will more likely suit your needs.

Don't forget to consult with the plethora of online sources to determine which cars you should be on the lookout for. You'll find a number of reviews online for specific car models and makes that will give you an in-depth look at any vehicle under the sun.

Likewise, there are a number of car buying magazines that reviews cars, detailing the pros and cons of specific makes and models.

Your basic guide in figuring out what the best car is for you is to use your price range as a barometer and use the internet and trade publications to read up on car reviews.

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